Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Uranus Planet Information In Hindi Any Abnormal/interesting Facts About Uranus (the Planet, Not The Body Part)?

Any abnormal/interesting facts about Uranus (the planet, not the body part)? - uranus planet information in hindi

I'm doing a school project and would appreciate any information about Uranus crazy to ...


Brant said...

It is rare that two things that I think of Uranus. It is interesting that its polar axis is tilted almost 90 degrees, so it kind of rolls in its orbit around the sun. He will have his pole out almost directly toward the sun at its solstice.

Then we have an odd grouping of small moons in orbit around him. On orbits very close, there are about 10 other small moons orbiting the planet very quickly, some no older than 8 hours. It almost seems that swarm around them. They are all names of women in Shakespeare's plays (with one exception).

Edit: and here is another fact irrelevant. Of all the planets, Uranus was the year of the greatest number of days. IOW, Uranus rotates on its axis once in its orbit around the sun than any other planet in orbit.

Electron... said...

There are many strange things on this planet. It has been noted since antiquity, but because he moves very slowly across the sky is not recognized as a planet until 1781. It is the least explored and understood in the solar system. As already mentioned, the rotation axis of the planet Uranus tilted almost 90 degrees from the same orbit. This leads to some very strange time. The orbits of moons and even the orbit of the rings in the same inclination of 90 degrees. In addition, the moons of Uranus are named after characters in Shakespeare's plays, all other plants and moons in our solar system as a character from Roman mythology known.

The following link is a podcast you can listen to (sorry, no video display) on your computer, and no notes, additional links to further information on this strange planet.

qwert zaqwert said...

their tendency to date on its own axis, appears to turn the page ...

Take a look at web pages under ...

www.solarviews.com / eng / uranus.htm
www.planetsalive.com/?planet=Uranus&ta ...
planeturanus.info /
DOCUMENT_ planeturanus.info / index.php? ...
www.nineplanets.org / uranus.html

unitedca... said...

Well done, well able to what is seen with the naked eye, was discovered by astronomers of the time because of the darkness and at low speed through the background stars.

Grimmus1... said...

Study the link you said Guy

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